Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan.

   Ever since the day I was born, (18 years ago) born into Leaf Nation as my father was and still is a huge fan of the Maple Leafs, I have learned and have familiarized myself with the year of 1967.  A year where the Toronto Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup. Why would a triumphant year of the Maple Leafs, now haunt every Leafs fan? It has been 46 years since the Toronto Maple Leafs have last won the Cup. As a Leaf fan, when in an argument with another hockey fan, 99% of the time, the year 67 will come up. Always as an insult to say how over the years, we have struggled to make the playoffs, struggled to win games and overall struggled as a team. It is the year all Leafs fans have come to terms with and understand. But why does every non Leaf fan not see it like that? They think of it as a way to get under our skin, to make us mad, and to overall state that their hockey club is better. Personally, and I think I speak for most Leafs fans when I say it doesn't bother me.

   When the Toronto Maple Leafs do finally win the Stanley Cup, imagine the happiness, that overwhelming feeling that every single Leafs fan will have, some that may even bring tears to their eyes, I know there will be for me when they win the Cup. No one can truly understand being a Leafs fan unless they are one. It's the excitement going into every game, whether we win or lose, we are always at the edge of our seats cheering until the end. It's the game of hockey that is unpredictable and anything is possible. It is the best of reality TV. Unlike other hockey fans, we Leaf fans are happy with an overtime loss, we got the point. You never see a Pittsburgh fan happy about a overtime loss because they are expected to win. Let's face it, we as leaf fans are expecting the worst. That's why our joy when winning a game triumphs all. It has been the disappointment over the years, and the failures that have happened to shape and form us. I'd say we are a different kind, a breed of people who understands and never takes a win for granted. It's the passion that truly unites us all.

  You can go ahead and keep saying that the Leafs haven't won a cup since 67 and that being the biggest insult towards Leaf fans isn't even that big. We have had our upsets, we look to the future of the Leafs and see where it's heading. With not making the playoffs in 9 years, we have this year. I have no doubt that this year the Toronto Maple Leafs will be out in the first round of the playoffs, as does every other Leaf fan think this. It's the little steps we take until one day, these little steps have turned into something even bigger. With a young team this year, we can only expect in the years to come, experience and wisdom grows in each player. One day the Leafs will win the Stanley Cup again, it may not be this year, or next year but as each year passes, we are only getting one step closer.

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